Best Eye Doctors in Wyomissing, PA

Voted Best of Berks—
eight years in a row!
You have likely seen your family doctor and dentist in the last year. When was the last time you saw an eye doctor? If it has been a while, take a step toward better eye health by scheduling an appointment with the best eye doctors in Wyomissing, PA today. We are at Eye Consultants of Pennsylvania and are ready to have you as our next new patient.
Eye health at every age
Eye exams are important at every age, and it is important to see an eye doctor who specializes in eye care and eye diseases. You can certainly discuss eye problems or concerns with your family doctor, but family physicians do general checkups and vision screenings rather than performing comprehensive eye exams.
Regular exams are important, and our team of trusted eye experts will help you make (and keep) your yearly appointment. A child should have a first eye exam before entering grade school. Good vision is required for learning in the classroom. While schools provide vision screenings, these are very top-level and not a substitute for a full comprehensive eye exam, which is the only way to ensure the child has proper vision.
Eye exams are important because the eye doctor can examine the eyes for several eye diseases. Most eye diseases do not have early symptoms, so our advanced exam is designed to diagnose early problems so that we can provide early treatment. We perform dilated eye exams which allow our surgeons to examine the internal eye structures.
Corrective lenses
Most patients see us because they experience subtle vision changes over time. Given that we all have more screen time these days, our eyes are becoming strained and overworked. If that continues too long, the resulting eye strain becomes chronic and has a big impact. We can catch problems early and correct vision early on to avoid complications later.
We can provide eyeglasses or contact lenses as corrective lenses. If you wear either, regular checkups will be important. We are seeing more patients with eye strain who need more frequent prescription changes. Children in particular are becoming nearsighted at earlier ages given the increased amounts of screen time. When children become nearsighted at an earlier age, they tend to have worse nearsightedness (myopia) at older ages. Additionally, early nearsightedness also increases the child’s risk of developing glaucoma and cataracts later in life.
Regardless of your age, annual eye exams are critically important. Start early eye exams for children, and if you are over age 60, come see us because you are more susceptible to eye diseases at this age. If you experience symptoms like eye pain or decreased vision, don’t hesitate to give us a call.
Have we convinced you of the importance of regular eye exams? We hope so. The best motivation is that you are nearby the best eye doctors in Wyomissing, PA at Eye Consultants of Pennsylvania. Don’t delay. Give us a call today at 610-378-8500 or schedule an online appointment with us.
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