Glaucoma Specialist in Hamburg PA

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Glaucoma is a disease that is not well understood. Many people who have glaucoma don’t even realize it. If you are over age 60 and living in Hamburg PA, visit our glaucoma specialists in Berks County at Eye Consultants of Pennsylvania.
Key facts
Left untreated, glaucoma can lead to blindness. There is no cure, but it can be treated, so early detection is key. Glaucoma has no symptoms, and once vision is lost, it cannot be regained. However, early treatment with medications or surgery can put a halt to further vision loss.
Open-angle glaucoma is the most common form of glaucoma and is a chronic condition. Eye exams are very important so that the condition can be diagnosed early. A doctor must monitor you for life if you have glaucoma so that further vision loss can be prevented.
Regular eye exams are the best way to detect glaucoma and determine its progression. Our expert eye doctors will find the right glaucoma treatment for you, which can include prescription eye drops, medications or surgery.
Who is at risk?
Ethnicity, family history, lifestyle factors, other health conditions and age are all factors in determining glaucoma risk. Older people particularly over age 60 are at higher risk for glaucoma. A baby can be born with glaucoma but that is rare. Young adults can also get glaucoma. Both African Americans and Hispanics are at higher risk. Glaucoma along with cataracts are the leading causes of blindness in African Americans.
Over three million Americans have glaucoma but only half realize they have the condition. Sadly, more than 120,000 people become blind from glaucoma each year, and worldwide, glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness, according to data from the World Health Organization. Estimates are that there are more than 60 million cases of glaucoma worldwide.
People over age 60, those with a family history of glaucoma and people with diabetes are most at risk. The best way to reduce your risk is to have eye exams at least every two years. A dilated eye exam is crucial and is the best way to detect glaucoma.
Vision loss usually begins with a loss of peripheral (side) vision. Most people, naturally so, fear blindness as much as they do cancer or heart disease. Most people don’t know that glaucoma is related to elevated eye pressure. During a comprehensive vision exam, we will test your eye pressure and monitor it each time you have an eye exam visit.
There are about 10 million office visits to eye doctors each year for glaucoma. If you need a glaucoma specialist in Hamburg PA, look no further than Eye Consultants of Pennsylvania. Our glaucoma specialists in Berks County are ready for you to be our next new patient. We will design an individualized treatment plan to slow the disease progression and prevent further vision loss. Call us today at 610-378-8500 or visit our Eye Consultants of Pennsylvania website to schedule an appointment.
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